No doubt you have heard talk of speculation tax the NDP Government imposed in their recent budget. Adam Olsen, MLA for Saanich and the Gulf Islands says his constituency office has received more emails about this issue than any other, a sampling of them are available in his blog.
Says Olsen, “For a retired fixed-income couple or individual, assuming the fact they can pay (an) upfront tax, the unknown of whether they’d get money back at the end of the year when they file their income taxes is problematic.”
Indeed, Mr. Olsen’s comments are a reality for at least one client couple who have already been forced to list their Victoria condo, and a deep concern for another client who wrote the eloquent letter below.
If you face the same choice or have concerns, join the 9,000 people have signed the petition to stop this tax. You can also write your MLA, or the Hon. Carol James, Minister of Finance and Deputy Premier.